Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Woo-Hoo!!! Finally some vacation time, and some camera time!

Yes, even I needed to take a break from scraping and painting the garage, and stripping all the paint off the porch and repainting it (which has been going on for TWO YEARS now ... but there is a light at the end of the tunnel, I'm almost done!) ... and so like every year, it was VACATION TIME in early September, as we returned to Cape Cod, for yet another week of peace and quiet, rest and relaxation, lobster and scallops.

Didn't do much new this year ... and no really spectacular photos, because we were essentially visiting the same places we like to visit every year, and also because I was taking it a bit more easy, and trying to have a bit more of a break. Some days I didn't even lug the SLR around, just bringing my little point-and-shoot, which actually takes some really good photos!!! (this one below is actually one of my favorite, because I love the couple in it ... and I was just leaving the beach after a swim, saw them walk by, and whipped out my point-and-shoot and got the image).

So here's a few examples of some of my shots ... I will say, it's actually pretty hard to take bad photos in Cape Cod; the light is magical, and the scenery is amazing. Though I did my best ... going through an entire day with my ISO setting too high, left over from the night before when I was taking some sunset and post-sunset shots. But even though some of my photos from that day were a bit grainy, I think they worked out okay in the end!

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